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We believe that a billion acts of courage can spark a brighter tomorrow.


To that end we model courage, we champion courage, we share stories of courageous acts by our supporters and allies, we invite people out of their comfort zones to take courageous action with us, individually in their daily lives, and in community with others who share our commitment to a better world.

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Our mission

  • To collectively ensure environmental and social justice, human dignity, and respect for human rights and peoples' rights so as to secure sustainable societies.

  • To halt and reverse environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, nurture the earth's ecological and cultural diversity, and secure sustainable livelihoods.

  • To secure the empowerment of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women, groups and individuals, and to ensure public participation in
    decision- making.

  • To bring about transformation towards sustainability and equity between and within societies with creative approaches and solutions.

  • To engage in vibrant campaigns, raise awareness, mobilize peoples and build alliances with diverse movements, linking grassroots, national and global struggles.

  • To inspire one another and to harness, strengthen and complement each other's capacities, living the change we wish to see and working together in solidarity.

Our Vision

Green Birds Foundation hatch to re build the Eco System until 3045. Eco Balance, Green and Clean Energy, Less Pollution, Public Awareness, Eco Chain Activities in the Schools, Create Public Garden with local organizations’ partnership, Eco friendly Bird’s wall and nests and Say No To Plastic :The issues where we want to work and looking for the positive outcome.


Our Members

The years of Green Birds Foundation has been full of various curious and significant moments, which we would have never experienced, if it hadn’t been for the loyal members of our huge family.
The Implementation of each project assumes huge preparation activities and involvement of Human Resources.  None of our projects would have been successful if we hadn’t got the excitement, responsibility, affection and respect of our friends.

Our Team

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Social Worker



Founder & Secretary

Nature Lover 




Director of purchase

Aloft Aerocity

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Project Planning & Monitoring Head

Agricultural Expert 

Retd BM(Rajasthan Bank), Dy BM(ICICI Bank)

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Donor Relations & Community Outreach

Human Resaurces

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